Energy Control Resources, LLC           FL Lic#: CMC1249888    

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About Us
Energy Control Resources was found to provide a source for utility saving solutions and an alternative source for Building Controls installation, service and maintenance.  In the eyes of the founder Gordon C. Affield Jr. these solutions fall hand in hand and when properly implemented will provide you with a much more economically operated facility.  The founder of Energy Control Resources is a certified Mechanical Contractor in the State of Florida, a member of ASHRAE, a member of AEE and is presently pursuing his LEED certification for existing buildings.  Energy Control Resources has established many Alliance Partnerships to provide our customers with the best service and savings opportunities available, both in the HVAC industry and the Energy Conservation fields.  Most of the energy opportunities we propose have a 2 year or less Return on Investment, with many qualifying for a utility rebate. 
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